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The Pale Blue Dot

    Earth from 6 billion km    
Bonjour! our dear readers,

People often say life is all about sacrifices that you have to compromise with something that you can't have everything in life. Truth is we all have limited time, we constantly have to choose what is important for us, that we could live without. This decision is no simple task, it takes wisdom and self-introspection to know the true definition of happiness. Most of us choose money over the relationship and we constantly crave it, ultimately die in regret thinking of living our lives in a different way. Men have a knack for power so there is a constant war for power in today's world, they go to any length to have that power to that they bring chaos. They forget one simple thing nothing is permanent in this world, we all are just visiting this world all sooner or later we have to leave. The pump of pride gives them the illusion that they are better than others that they have something that nobody has. In 1990 February 14 Nasa's Voyager 1 gave out the last photo of earth from a distance about 6 billion kilometers before completely sever all connection from Mission Station and go on a long journey into the vast wilderness of the space. Our home, the earth is looked like a speck in the vast panorama of the space,"The Pale Blue Dot"  as the famous scientist and the team leader of the Voyager 1 mission Carl Sagan has named it. It shows to us our true identity and our true sense of ourselves. There is a famous story involved in the movie 'Wonder Woman', it goes as follows: "God first created 'Man', in the likeness of him, and let him rule over and live in harmony and peace in the beautiful world that he created for him. But man blinded by greed and power forgot who he was and began his exploitation over other kind and destroyed the God's creation, God seeing this didn't know what to do, as the Man was so dear to him and he loved him as his son. Then God created 'Woman' with all the beautiful things known to God, the master creation of God. Seeing this mesmerizing beauty, Man bequeaths the lust of power and enchanted by the Woman, the sword falls off from his hand and he felt something mystical that he could not describe but only to feel. He gave this feeling the word "LOVE". So this is how God saved his creation". We all have to live by this code of God or else our race is doomed. 

Sidharth Pradhan✍  


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